1 March 2011

Spending cuts

As you may know, the recent Comprehensive Spending Review left local councils facing an average cut of 28%. The non-statutory status of local funding for cultural services has meant that the arts sector is left vulnerable to bear the brunt of these cuts.

Unfortunately last month, Somerset County Council became the first local authority to announce that it was axing all of its arts funding. Not only has this signalled a cultural decline for the county itself it has also sets precedent for other local authorities. Darlington and Rochdale have followed.

To prevent lasting damage being done to the arts, I Value the Arts has given supporters in affected areas relevant and useful information about plans for the arts in their community with practical suggestions about how they can make a difference. Of course, the more signatories we have, the more people there are to take action. Find out more about what you can do at www.ivaluethearts.org.uk